Gamma Wave Stimulation Therapy

  • The goal is to pioneer advancements in the 40Hz gamma wave therapy that has been successfully used for Alzheimer’s disease, and explore its potential applications for dementia and additional neurological conditions. Ultimately, we hope to offer the therapy as a mobile app, or as a standalone hardware solution.
  • Definition: Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves. They mainly occur when you’re highly alert and conscious. They range from 30 to 80 Hertz and have been shown to decline significantly in the brains of those with dementia and other neurological conditions.

Existing Technologies and History:
  • Current gamma wave therapy methods often rely on short bursts of 40Hz stimuli, which requires prolonged exposure and lack integration into daily activities. MIT research has shown promising results in using 40Hz flickering lights and sound pulses to slow brain volume loss and functional decline in Alzheimer’s patients.
The Current Therapeutic Audio Standard

40Hz audio (40 clicks of white noise per second), recommended for 1 hr per day

Our Proposed Advancements
  • Individualized Frequency Bands: Innovate by tailoring therapy with individualized frequency bands (as opposed to white noise) based on EEG testing and physiological measurements, such as skull size, on an individual basis. This personalized approach aims to optimize therapy effectiveness and patient comfort.
  • Modulation Innovation: Introduce modulating any sound (such as music in a Spotify playlist) with a subtle 40Hz pulse, enhancing comfort and integrating therapy seamlessly into daily life activities.

40Hz audio modulated music, an alternative to clicks

  • User-Controlled Comfort: Introducing a pulse elongation slider (to make the audio bursts less spiky) for customizable therapy experiences, ensuring patient comfort without sacrificing efficacy.
  • Musical Composition with Masked Pulses: Create therapeutic music by masking 40Hz pulses behind the music, providing a soothing alternative to abrupt stimuli.
  • Computer / TV Screen Pulse: create add-ons for common devices to add subtle 40Hz pulse effect to screens used in daily life, for passive focused therapy.
  • Integration of Alpha Waves: Combine gamma wave stimuli with alpha stimuli simultaneously. Alpha waves (generally associated with restful neural states) have been shown to be important for timing of sensory processing. Modulating a 40Hz signal with an alpha (10 Hz) wave could be doubly effective.
Questions we aim to answer in our initial Research
  • Frequency Variability: Does the frequency range of noise bands affect therapy efficacy for individuals?
  • Musical Modulation: Can modulated music effectively deliver gamma wave therapy?
  • Individualized Approach using EEG measurements: How can EEG testing personalize therapy with tailored frequency bands?
  • Voice Analysis: Can cranially-fixed piezo microphones detect resonant frequencies when a patient hums or speaks?
  • Physiological Factors: Is a simple measurement of the skull using a tape measure a useful tool for discovering optimal frequency bands?
  • AI Integration: Can AI be used to synthesize the data from EEG output, audio resonance testing, and cranial measurements?
  • Stimulus Strength and Attention: What impact does attention and stimulus strength have on treatment outcomes?
  • Expanding Applications: Can gamma wave therapy benefit conditions like MS, Parkinson’s, and others?
Initial Code to Test Audio Examples