Web Portfolio

Smithsonian APAC Sightlines

– fully coded the custom theme for this website, including advanced CSS animations, PHP shortcodes and functions, and advanced custom fields.

Tulane Freeman School of Business

– contributor and designer on primary website, multiple custom WordPress blogs, maintenance and integration of custom student PHP / MYSQL database

Your Design Team / Sherri Korhonen

– customized Squarespace website for commercial / music video producer

Annielaurie Erickson

– designed custom WordPress website with custom coded slideshows

Antiques de Provence

– designer, maintainer, and coding of custom WordPress theme with custom plugins; all photography and photo editing. Managed for 5 years.

Website No Longer Active – Link shows a limited archived version

Rib Room

– customized WordPress site, added restaraunt menu features and reservation customization

Antieau Gallery

– contributor to and editor of Shopify theme

7 Login Forms

– mock forms (with animation upon form submission) used by talent in a recent TV commercial for a new password-storage app

Additional Creative Coding projects based in Javascript